I am always looking for quirky and clever hardware. So naturally, when I stumbled across these clever designs, I thought it would be great to share the product love:
Ah wall plate covers- ugly little plastic rectangles (or stainless steel if you want to spend a little more) that mar the face of walls everywhere. Until Bocci introduced the 22 series, these minimal outlets had me saying "Why didn't I think of that??"

Bocci 22 Series Outlets | Installs in mill work or drywall. Available for Telephone, Data, Electrical, Light Switches, Dimmers, Speaker cables, etc @ Bocci or Karkula NY. I have heard these are about $10 a piece- but for best seamless installation, hire a professional to drywall/mud/tape/finish.
Bivi Bike Hook | $129.00 @ Steelcase
Why does a wall hook have to be utilitarian? Can a wall hook be a conversation starter?
Hang Wall Hooks | $68.00 @ UnCrate
Axe Wall Hook | $49.50 @ Meninos