3rd Advanced Architecture Contest. This competition is open to students and professionals. The challenge is to design a Self-sufficient building or city. Project size and location. is up to you. See full program requirements here. Individuals or groups may enter and there's no limit to the # of members in a group. Keep in mind only 3 teams leaders will receive cash prizes and a one-year grant to take the Master in Advanced Architecture at Institute of Advanced Architecture Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) to research self-sufficient architecture.The deadline is 28 Sept 09 & there is no entry fee.
Spark Awards International Design Competition. There are over 14 categories & dozens of sub-categories. The categories you, dear Design Elixir reader, may be most interested in are: Product, Furniture & Outdoor, Green, and Architecture & Interiors. Check out these links for a full list of categories & sub-categories and the judging criteria. The competition was divided into two Phases to lower the initial cost of entry. Register here for the Phase I competition by 17 Oct 09 (original deadline of 15 Sept 09 has been extended). Projects must be received by 17 Oct 09. Entry fee for professionals is $175 and $100 for students & non-professionals. If you are selected as a Phase 2 finalist there are additional submission requirements, deadlines and fees.
Spark Awards International Design Competition. There are over 14 categories & dozens of sub-categories. The categories you, dear Design Elixir reader, may be most interested in are: Product, Furniture & Outdoor, Green, and Architecture & Interiors. Check out these links for a full list of categories & sub-categories and the judging criteria. The competition was divided into two Phases to lower the initial cost of entry. Register here for the Phase I competition by 17 Oct 09 (original deadline of 15 Sept 09 has been extended). Projects must be received by 17 Oct 09. Entry fee for professionals is $175 and $100 for students & non-professionals. If you are selected as a Phase 2 finalist there are additional submission requirements, deadlines and fees.
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