I love the bright colorful facade of this Kindergarten located in Zaragoza, Spain.
Project | Kindergarten in Rosales Del Canal
Location | Zaragoza, Spain
Firm | Magen Arquitectos,
Year | 2009

"With a square ground plan, the truncated pyramid-shaped roofing of these spaces, completed with a skylight, responds both to the primary identification with the protective roof of the house and to the advantages of height and additional lighting in the classrooms. The general configuration responds to clearly organizational criteria, placing the classrooms around the patio, with service spaces situated between them and communicated on the inside with the corridor and on the outside with the patio, via a continuous exterior porch. The lobby, the multipurpose hall and an administrative area comprised of the reception. Modular and dry-joint systems were considered appropriate due to the need for the construction to be done in four months. "
Watch it grow from the ground up in this slide/video:
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